
Evonauts Logo SVG


Media owner and publisher

Evonauts GmbH
Immermannstraße 40
40210 Düsseldorf

Telefon: +49 211 54 22 51 00
E-Mail: info [at] evonauts.com

Executive Director

Helmut Lodzik
VAT-ID: DE290671717
HRB No .: District Court Dusseldorf, HRB 70350

Photo Credits

On this website, we use only own footage, purchased material and public domain recordings from Shutterstock and Pexels:

Strategyzing in the Digital Age: marvent/Shutterstock
Photo “Turbulence”: Will Day/Shutterstock
Photo “Digital Team”: Pressmaster/Shutterstock
Photo “Evonauts Solutions”: Artishok/Shutterstock
Photo “Evolutionizer”: Evannovostro/Shutterstock
Photo “Business Challenge #1”: Pressmaster/Shutterstock
Photo “Network”: Bushko Oleksandr/Shutterstock
Photo “Adaptive”: Artishok/Shutterstock
Photo “Aligned”: Oxanaso/Shutterstock
Photo “Anchored”: MIRROR IMAGE STUDIO/Shutterstock

Who we are
Photo “Pioneering how strategy is managed in the Digital Age”: AYA images/Shutterstock

Many thanks to all the picture authors for the excellent pictures and the generous permission to use them!

Use of content from this website

All texts, graphics and images used on this website are subject to copyright. Use is permitted only with explicit permission. Documents made available for download are for information purposes and do not contain any right to publication or duplication. Exceptions to this are representatives of the press and publishers who may use material provided in the press area for publication. We kindly ask for a note in case of recovery.